about us

The Nerd
Aaron is a college student studying Statistics in hopes of becoming an Actuary. He is a Mr. Fix-it who usually gets asked to fix anything that can be plugged in to an outlet. He dominates algorithms and vectors by day and washes dishes by night. He served an LDS mission (Spanish speaking) in Detroit, MI and loved every moment. He is currently an intern at Mercer Consulting in Seattle, WA.

The Healthnut
Loves her nerd with all her nutty heart. She is a Family Life major and enjoys educating families on the importance of relationships and development. Cooking, photography, and running are a few of her favorite things. The healthnut part comes from her belief that "you are what you eat." You will not see any empty-calorie recipes on this blog, each recipe is full of vital nutrients that your body needs.

P.S. I love you
Aaron and Jessica wrote letters to each othter for two years while Aaron served his mission. They fell madly in love and were married and sealed in the Salt Lake City, Utah temple on September 2, 2011.
They are expecting their first baby in June, 2013!